How It Works



The easiest way to show how this works is with an example.


  • Abby is a widow.
  • She has two children, Bob and Carol, both adults and still alive.
  • Abby owns an old, modest home in Florida.
  • Abby dies without a will.
  • Bob and Carol are Abby’s heirs. The inheritance is split between them, 50-50.
  • Bob and Carol didn’t probate Abby’s estate.
  • The the mortgage on Abby’s home went unpaid.
  • Abby’s home went into foreclosure.

After the Auction

Bob and Carol may still have rights to dispute the foreclosure. However, they don’t know how to do it, can’t afford an attorney to do it for them, and their dispute might be worthless, anyway.

We Can Give Them Cash

Because we do these disputes in bulk, we can give Bob and Carol cash, right now, for their rights to dispute the foreclosure. At a minimum, we would give them each $250, probably more. For this example, we’ll be giving them $1,000 each.

Making the Deal

Simple Discussion, Then an Offer

We talk to Bob and Carol and learn they are Abby’s only heirs. We take about a day to research Abby’s family tree. Sometimes this only takes a few hours. Then, we give Bob and Carol an offer, over the phone, for their rights to dispute the foreclosure, with us paying all the fees and costs, and them each getting $1,000. They agree.

Simple Online Form

We email Bob and Carol links to a simple online form where they confirm their agreement to our deal with just a few clicks. This can even be done on a smart phone.

Mobile Notaries

We arrange for mobile notaries near Bob and Carol to meet with them to sign a few short documents. Depending on where they live and everybody’s schedule, this takes about a week for the documents and cashier’s checks to arrive and the meeting with the notaries to occur.

Verify Payment

Before we send Bob and Carol’s cashier’s checks to their notaries, we email copies of the cashier’s checks to Bob and Carol. Bob and Carol can call our bank to confirm the checks are good.


The notaries call and schedule the signings. Bob has his notary come to his house. Carol meets her notary at a coffee shop. In less than 10 minutes, the documents are signed.

Cash at Signing

handing money

As soon as the documents are signed, the notaries hand Bob and Carol their cashier’s checks for $1,000 each.

Done Deal

That’s it. Bob and Carol have their money, in about a week, with no probate.